Healthy sweets
+7 (992) 341-70-11
+7 (992) 341-70-11

Igpinsky district

Regions for the collection of honey "Berestov A.S."

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Tatyshlinsky district
Askinsky district
Yanaul district
Mishkinsky district
Karaidel district
Nurimanovsky district
Baltachevsky district
Buraevsky district
Birsk District
Igpinsky district
Dyurtyulinsky district
Burzyansky district

Igpinsky district

Iglinsky district is located in the eastern part of Bashkortostan, surrounded by the rivers Belaya, Ufa, Sim. Some of the plants, such as four-petal cranberry, round-leaved sundew, are represented in wildlife only on the territory of the Iglinsky region and are protected by the state.

A feature of the region is the abundance of rare plants: dwarf steppe cherry, ball-headed mordovnik, Thuringian hatyma, alpine aster, scabiosa and Isetskaya, chicory, common, yarrow, thyme flower snakehead, medicinal asparagus, steppe chiliga, swing high, and other gray green hiccups. – very rare species listed in the “Red Book of the Republic of Bashkortostan”.